Microsoft – Online E-Learning – Part 2

Wednesday 30th October – Microsoft, Redmond Campus.


We were very privileged to be able to meet some Microsoft representative from their Online E-Learning team to discuss a range of topics.  The focus of our visit was to look at the strategy behind how and why Microsoft develop online e-learning tools. What was really interesting was how motivated and enthusiastic the team were and passionate about what they are doing. I think we have made some great partners.

We looked at several of the current initiatives such as IT Academy and the Digital Literacy programmes but then had a glimpse into where these projects were heading and how they were going to be delivered across Microsoft technology. This includes the use of Adaptive technologies and learning seeded directly within the Windows 8 apps.  I think this is going to be a key point to get right as you remove the human element online. There was some concern in the room about a ‘machines are self-aware’ situation though! A key link to our former discussions was the role of Instructional Design in the content planning and creation, something that is a key fundamental to the curriculum of equivalent Digital Learning Designers or ‘Instructional Designer LITE’ as was penned by Microsoft!

Overall it was an insightful trip that gave some perspective to the impact and scale of e-learning online and how global super powers like Microsoft are engaging with it. What is particularly interesting is from what we have seen so far its not a million miles from where we are now. There is an obvious cultural divide that makes a difference but i am confident we are heading in the right direction which excites me further still.

As a side note i have long been an Apple fan for a number of reasons. It had a ‘connection’ with me. Whilst i use Windows machines in daily life this is more related to office productivity. I have grown more open minded in my years and whilst i take some of todays visit with a pinch of salt and eek out the corporate machine (they were really up front about this as well!) i find myself silently excited about the potential of where Microsoft can take these technologies and have a product that can be of huge benefit to education. There are changes coming with the way consumer technology is being used and the potential for certain products (cough, Kinect) is outstanding, especially when you consider its place in education.

Today i left feeling in awe. Shame they didn’t give me Surface Tablet to trial!

UK Project Team meets Microsoft

UK Project Team meets Microsoft

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